Saturday, April 4, 2009

Paper Sushi Scan

I've been working my fingers to the bone making little paper sushi rolls out of magazine pages. I have an idea for using them in conjunction with the Big Ball of Happiness which I blogged about previously. I really like the way the circles look, so I thought I would try scanning them before I actually use them. Maybe it's just me, but I think circles are beautiful!!!


Cathy Anson said...

Very nice scan! I like the layout of the circles and that they are different colors and sizes.

Doing double duty, I think you should print up these scans and use them in your other artwork!

Casey said...

Yeah I'm with Cathy. I love the way you have them arranged. Print them out and use them in your journals!

Deborah Weber said...

Love these as is, but also can't wait to see them in their final "resting place." GRIN

And I thought you might enjoy seeing some other rolls - check this out: