Friday, July 16, 2010

IF - Breakfast and Good Advice

I always enjoy the challenge of combining the Illustration Friday prompt with a post card for the Good Advice series. With a word like breakfast the advice seemed pretty obvious. I'm sure children all over the world have heard these words at one time or another. I guess what constitutes a good breakfast is different for everyone--personally, I think chocolate cake is the best breakfast around!


lori vliegen said...

ooooh, i KNEW i loved you for more than just your doodle goodness!!!! yes, yes....bring on the chocolate cake for breakfast!!! woo hoo!! xox, :))
p.s. LOVE your doodle - it's fabulous!!

aimee said...

this is one i totally need!!

MrBibleHead said...

Great combo! Love it!!

Kim said...

I find this piece of good advice quite ironic because we typically ate cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Cold pizza's good, too. I wish I could do the old hearty breakfast thing and then have smaller meals s the day goes on but that's never quite worked for me. Breakfast is not my fave. Cool drawing.

get zapped said...

Yes, I agree, but I love bagels :p This is so pretty too.