Today's mail brought the most marvelous surprise I've had in a very long time. A postcard that I dropped into the mail art stream back in 1997 finally came back to me. There was a time when the daily trip to the mail box was one of grand anticipation and adventure. That's when I was a regular participant in the wild, wacky, wonderful world of mail art. Nearly every day, amazing creations arrived from artists with names like Lunar Daughter, Pag-Hat the Rat-Girl, Photo Posto, Shmuel, CornPuff, Walt Evans, and more.

Collaboration was a big part of mail art and pieces were often altered or added to during a postal journey.

Each mailing brought postmarks, postage, wrinkles, marks, bends, tears, and scratches that added to the aura and ambiance of every piece.

The best part about getting this postcard back is knowing that it passed through the hands of two of my favorite mail artists--Lunar Daughter and Photo Posto. Even after all these years I still have a connection with these two talented women who I have never actually met in person. They continue to inspire me through their blogs which just may be the modern day version of mail art. Both blogging and mail art involve the sharing of creativity and a sense of community that artists seem to crave.

Apparently back in 1997 I offered to send something in return to anyone who included their address on the wayward postcard. It looks like I'll get to be a mail artist once again. Watch your mailboxes ladies...and you too Shmuel...whoever you are!